Saturday, October 24, 2015

Warming Hearts, Two Hands At A Time!

Listen up peeps. I need each and everyone of you to do Mittens for Detroit a HUGE favor. We are coming into the bitter cold season here in Michigan, especially the Detroit area. All of us are very fortunate that we can afford to buy gloves/mittens to keep our children and our hands warm. Thank goodness for Actress Erin Cummings who had the fortitude to start Mittens For Detroit. 

Please share. On Friday, November 13th, the LARGEST Metro Detroit FAMILY FUNDRAISER for Mittens For Detroit will take place at AirTime Troy, 5p - 9p. It is very important we fill the house to raise money and bring a new pair of gloves/mittens to donate. This video is a must view showing Erin Cummings passion for Detroit!! Let's do it...WARMING HEARTS, Two Hands At A Time!!

Actress Erin Cummings LOVES AirTime