Friday, May 12, 2017

5 Things You Should START Doing on Social Media for Your Business

5 Things You Should START Doing on Social Media for Your Business

I chose to lead with this statement because it makes me cringe when people say, “social media is free”. Let me dispel this – SOCIAL MEDIA IS NO LONGER FREE. Unless you can catch lightning in a bottle with every piece of content that you create, you are going to have a very hard time reaching an audience without shedding out some advertising dollars and some professional help (which leads to my second point below). Good news is – the advertising platforms have become extremely advanced in their ability to target a very specific demographic. This allows you to focus your budget on an audience who will be most likely to interact with your brand, and more importantly help you reach your marketing goals.
Since many people have been taught that “social media is free”, a great deal of business owners have the perception that it doesn’t hold the same value as other marketing vessels. The result? The receptionist at work who has an active Instagram account is put in charge of the companies’ social media presence. OR maybe it’s the owners 19-year-old daughter who is a barista at a local coffee shop who just seems like she knows social media. The point is, social media is not something you let the interns run. It is a vessel that needs to be incorporated into your entire marketing strategy, not treated as a separate unit. Sure, the way you promote content on social is going to be different than a traditional TV ad, but everything needs to work together seamlessly. Not sure what that means? Then hire a professional!
The beauty of social media is the one-on-one connection brands can have with their audience – no matter the size of their corporation. If you are promoting interesting content, chances are your audience is engaging with your page. This is a prime opportunity for you to engage back with them, and create brand advocacy. Community management on your profiles is transparent customer service. Greet your guest’s, treat them right, add value, and they will return more frequently to do business with you.  
Whether you realize it or not, only a few weeks after posting on your social channels in a consistent fashion, you will have a large amount of data at your fingertips that can help bring your efforts to the next level. For example - what content is getting the most engagement? Reach? Web clicks? Direct sales? These valuable data points are the building blocks of deciding what you will promote on social media, and then creating a posting strategy around that. 
I don’t care how much money you spend – if your content doesn’t resonate with your audience in a way that is going to get them to respond, you’re not going to get the results you are looking for. Think about when you’re on Facebook or LinkedIn, and the amount of garbage you scroll past in your newsfeed. Have you ever really thought why that is? Simply put - it’s not grabbing your attention. As a marketer, it is your job to tell your brands story in a way that is going to best help achieve your goals.
To capitalize on the point above, if you’re still reading, not only did we capture your attention, but we were able to keep it for a couple of minutes. Have questions? Comment below or give us a call at 248-703-9515.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Does Gratitude Have Power?

Does Gratitude Have Power?

If I could offer you a magic potion that would make you happier, healthier, more optimistic and more productive, and tell you that potion would cost nothing and will require very little effort to use, would you be interested?
Let me ask the question differently.
If this potion existed would you want some?
Of course you would! Unfortunately, I don't have a potion that will do these things. But each of us has something even better than a potion that will do all of those things and more...
An "attitude of gratitude" is a good health choice. Being more grateful more often makes us happier and more optimistic. But gratitude also adds to the bottom line - in very real ways. And the best news about gratitude is that it requires little time and no money.
Gratitude attracts what we want. The universal law of attraction says that we will attract into our life the things we think about and focus on. Since this is true, wouldn't you want more of what you are thankful for? (I think I know the answer to that!) Remember that when you are consciously aware of your blessings, and are grateful for them, you are focusing more clearly on what you do want in your life - and are attracting more of those things into your life.
Gratitude improves relationships. We learn the importance of saying "thank you" as little children. We are taught that habit because it is "good manners." This childhood lesson is extremely powerful. Think about those people that you know who are most appreciative of you - and let you know it. How do you feel about them? Does their appreciation positively impact your relationship with them? Of course it does! Be grateful for people, their contributions, their talents and their actions - and make sure you let them know how you feel.
Gratitude reduces negativity. It is hard to be negative about your situation when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful. One of the fastest ways to improve your mood or outlook is to count your blessings.
Gratitude improves problem solving skills. Too often we look at problem solving with a very jaded view. "Something is wrong. We have barriers in our way. Then, we have to put in effort to fix it." Conversely, when we think about what we are grateful for we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections. We also enter a problem solving situation with a perspective of improvement and opportunity rather than challenge or issue.
Gratitude helps us learn. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Behind every problem lies an opportunity. Being grateful for our situation - even if we don't like everything about it - allows us to be thankful for the opportunity to learn something new.
How can I really be more grateful, more often?
It's really very easy.
Let's practice right now.
1. Make a list of five things you are grateful for right now. These can be big things (like your family) or little things (like the fact that someone held the door open for you this morning). This can be a mental list or written down. Do it now.
2. Reflect on your list and allow yourself to feel good about these things.
3. If there is a person you can thank or show your appreciation to, do that now too (a quick call or email is a good start!).
Gratitude is an attitude. Gratitude is a choice. And gratitude is a habit. When we consciously practice being grateful for the people, situations and resources around us we begin to attract better relationships and results. The habit will be strengthened as you make the choice each day.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Can We Schmooze

Proud to announce Can We Schmooze is now a part of Celebrity or Looking for celebrity status by branding. We work with all celebrities including, Actors, Musician talent; Bands; Singers and more. 
Our clients, from public and private sectors, get concrete results when they work with us. We gather sector and operational competences with our technological expertise and our proprietary solutions, to adapt our services to each client situation.

We specialize in publicity strategy, media relations, communications and personal brand management.

Can We Schmooze is a full-service, client-focused agency headquartered in Detroit We specialize in publicity, media relations, communications and personal brand management.

From Hollywood icons to up-and-comers to start-ups, we create original and individualized creative strategies focusing on our clients' long term goals and short term needs.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Writing Is Good For A Broken Heart

                    Writing Is Good For A Broken Heart

Now I know why I started writing 7 years ago.  It helps a broken heart.

Even if no one sees my blog I am writing to help mend my mind and heart.  

Seven years ago I lost my Mom and shortly after I lost my Dad.  
Feeling like an orphan in the state you were born, raised and grew up in, to suddenly realize your home state is not home any more. 

My nephew from California flew in Tuesday evening to spend a few days with his favorite Aunt, or let's say his only Aunt.  Tuesday evening we saw "La La Land" together.  He laughed. I cried.  :( Wednesday we went and saw the last time the Lakers and Pistons  would play at the Palace.  Pistons won!! I have always teased this nephew they were the Faker Lakers! lol   He knew I was kidding, well not really. Thursday we went to Supino's in Downtown Detroit.  The "D" has come a long way!! It's nice going to Detroit.

Friday was the day I was dreading.  I had to take my nephew to the airport to head back to California.  We hugged; I kissed his cheek.  He got on the plane and I got in my car with tears and an empty heart.   

Family is everything. Or at least to me it is.  So I sit here and type, releasing tears as they fall down my cheek, humming to the tune of Carole King's "So Far Away."

The rainbow is a promise of sunshine after the rain; of the calm after the storms; of joy after sadness; of peace after pain; of love after loss;  My heart is feeling the emptiness.   

Michigan I hear my heart saying it's time to let this chapter of my life go.  Michigan is not home any more.  

Monday, February 6, 2017

Never Outsmart a Bitch

                              Never Outsmart a Bitch

I've found the key to happiness.  Stay the hell away from assholes.

Think about what the word BITCH spells:

Being a bitch is a powerful thing. No one wants to mess with a bitch. Unfortunately, bitches get a bad rep because other people are threatened by their forthright, aggressive personalities.  There are a lot of positive reasons to be a bitch. 

Am I a bitch?  You bet I am and proud of it!!   People ASS U ME that the word bitch is negative.  Since it's undesirable to be considered a bitch, those of us who wear the label proudly are the strongest of the bunch.

 We're confident and vibrant and strong. We're not afraid to speak our minds and, therefore, we get sh*t done. We don't have time for weak, indecisive people who drag their feet in the mud. 

*A bitch is a bad ass boss. It's good for our health to embrace our bitch status because we revel in our strength, we take care of ourself, and we never waste our time on stupid stuff that doesn't matter.

You don't hold court with toxic people.  I don't waste my time in the company of terrible people who make me feel like sh*t. I recognize toxic people for what they are, a drain on myself-esteem and resources. I won't allow myself to be influenced by individuals who bring no value to my life. I simply do not have the time and have no problem cutting people off if they can't hang.

*Science says swearing is good for you. If there is one thing a bitch likes to do, it's f*cking swear. It's therapeutic. Research has shown people who curse are less stressed, confident and just plain hotter than other people. Not to mention every bitch knows the most important thing in any given situation is to get her point across. With the help of my swear-word-peppered speech, my message will come across loud and clear.  F*ck YEAH!!

* Your friends are the realest people ever.  I have a few close friends in my inner circle.  Everyone else are acquaintances.   There are few people who can handle my real, pointed and sometimes harsh opinions. Only the strongest of the strong can f*ck with me.

*You never bottle up your emotions. Letting your emotions be known is a total stress reliever. Those who bottle up their emotions are doing serious harm to their health. It knocks years off your life and even increases your chances of getting cancer by 70 percent! As a bitch, I always speak my mind and am never one to be timid about my feelings. I am empowered rather than stricken with fear of societal judgment.

*Your bitchiness leads to self-criticism.  I am are my biggest critic. My opinion is the only one that matters to me, so it should be no surprise that I spend a lot of time on self-reflection. I workout from home and take good care of my health. 

*You enrich your mind. My vocabulary is chock-full of wild idioms. Since I spend a lot of time insulting people, my words have to be my most powerful weapon. There's a big difference between a bitch and a smart bitch. I have a perfectly groomed collection of vicious words that can bring any adversary to her/his knees. 

*You're always the authority on everything. My friends look to me for everything because I always have an opinion. I don't sugar coat and will give the hard truth when it's needed. I am decisive AF and know exactly what you do and do not like. I am direct and, therefore, never get hung up on decision-making.

*Assertiveness is a healthy trait. Being assertive means my communication skills are on fleek. Assertiveness is directly related to stress relief. A bitch is never one to sit idly by. I am a person who gets sh*t done. I don't do passive aggression; I work out my conflicts swiftly and effectively as soon as they occur.  

*You won't age. Bitchy resting face (BRF) means no wrinkles. Since my face is in a constant state of c*nty relaxation, my skin will never experience the wear and tear of time. While people may fault me for constantly staring them down, I know I am both expressing myself and cheating the aging process, so joke's on them.

If people want to call me a bitch for having standards, passion, and expectations, being honest, standing up for what I believe in, and having no problem saying what I think, then I will own it on my terms. 
Hopefully, it will inspire others to get in touch with their own inner bitches and make the world a bitchier place!  
                    I AM A BITCH!!!

***It's been years since I have written.  I am inspired by a very dear friend who is now my family. He lives in Spain. Although we have never met, in my mind it feels like we have known each other for an eternity.   When you surround yourself with people who belong in your life, life gets better and takes you places where you belong. I am going to write about this inspirational person in my life.  For now I will refer to him as Yoda.  You will learn all about his talents and more.   Yoda, thank you for believing in me!!**