Sunday, March 19, 2017

Can We Schmooze

Proud to announce Can We Schmooze is now a part of Celebrity or Looking for celebrity status by branding. We work with all celebrities including, Actors, Musician talent; Bands; Singers and more. 
Our clients, from public and private sectors, get concrete results when they work with us. We gather sector and operational competences with our technological expertise and our proprietary solutions, to adapt our services to each client situation.

We specialize in publicity strategy, media relations, communications and personal brand management.

Can We Schmooze is a full-service, client-focused agency headquartered in Detroit We specialize in publicity, media relations, communications and personal brand management.

From Hollywood icons to up-and-comers to start-ups, we create original and individualized creative strategies focusing on our clients' long term goals and short term needs.